KUKA KR90 R2900
KUKA characteristics:
I. By reducing 25% of the robot's volume the requirements for the space and accessibility improve, even in closed areas. Futhermore, this manages to combine denser installations and mounting positions. Advantages: minimum space requirements and maximum productivity.
II. Optimum results: rigid mechanical system, improved movement characteristics, shorter cycles and greater accuracy for the maximum perfomance. Advantages: more powerful and easier to use.
The newer Kuka controller
The KR C4 provides a stable base for the tomorrow's automatization. Reduced costs thanks to automatization. Efficiency and flexibility for a long term while the systems enhance at the same time.
As a result of this, KUKA has developed a brand new systematic and structured functions focused on standart open data, all integrated controllers. from SafetyControl, RobotControl y MotionControl to LogicControl and ProcessControl have a shared data base and infrastructure used in a more secure, flexible, stronger and above all smarter way.